About Me

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I am 22 years old,married and a first time mom to our new baby girl-JENNA ELLISE. Mike and I have been married for three years. I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, and I can't forget to mention our dog, Jasmine.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Well, Saturday Jenna will be one month old. I can't believe it. She is doing very well, eating and sleeping great. Today we tried something new. I gave Jenna a little taste of rice cereal and believe it or not, she loved it. I couldn't feed it to her fast enough.

Also, a couple days ago we went to grandma's house and had a little visitor. It was almost like a play date. Cousin Ellie was there, and my great aunt Shirley brought over cousin Isabella Faye. Isabella was so sweet and helpful. She would bring the baby her passy and bottle, and also brought all kinds of toys to Ellie. She is so sweet and very cute. I don't think she knew exactly what to think about baby Jenna though. I took some pictures of them. I will post when I get a chance.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Newborn Pics of Babay Jenna

Here are a couple of newborn pictures that Laurie Keen tokk on Sunday. They are beautiful!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Today I took Jenna to the doctor for her 2 week check up. She is growing so fast. She already weighs 8 lbs. The doctor said she is perfect. It doesn't seem like she should already be almost 3 weeks old. Time flies so fast.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today we took a trip out to Sugar Grove to Laurie Keens house to get pictures made. Laurie does such a great job, and is very patient. We all had a great time, we laughed so much....
So, the first setting of pics was family pictures. Jenna started to get fussy, so we thought she must have a bad diaper. When I changed her, she had messed a little bit, but just before I could get the clean diaper on she started peeing all over the place. It went all over her clothes.....so Mike got to hold her with pee all over her. After that I changed her and fed her, and she was the BEST baby you could ask for. She stayed awake for all of her shots. The last picture was going to be of her naked butt, and guess what......when I went to jerk the diaper off it was full of you know what. It could have went all over me, but thank God it didn't. That would have been bad. So, I will put some of those pictures up here when I get them.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pictures of Jenna

Just wanted to let everyone see some pics of our baby girl Jenna!